We will go through each page under the "Company" tab, starting with "Details"
This is where you add all Company Details, indicated below;
Company Name
This field will be automatically populated based on what you entered on the Add New Company page.
Registration Number
Fill in the registration number here. For safety, we have locked the field after the number is filled in, so make sure you get it right!
Year End Date
Fill in the year end date. This will automatically populate the other Date fields. For safety, we have locked the field after the number is filled in, so make sure you get it right!
Due Date
This field will be automatically populated based on what you entered on the Add New Company page.
Name of Preparer
This field will be automatically populated based on what you entered on the Add New Company page.
IFRS Framework
Select which framework applies.
Consolidated & Company
Check this box if the Annual Financial Statements you're converting are for Consolidated and Company. Leave unchecked if not.
Start Dates
Fill in the Start Date for the financial statements and the rest of the fields will populate automatically, e.g "Start Date: Prior" will be 12 months prior to the date entered into the "Start Date: Current" field.
Select the Currency used in the AFS.
Select the Rounding used in the AFS, e.g Thousands
Table Width
Input your preferred table width. In most cases, this can be left as the default.
Report Headings
This will set all the report headings the default Current and Previous years according to the dates set above.